Global Eagle / EIM Apex TV Market in Paris 2018
Anuvu / Entertainment in Motion – Apex in Paris 2018
May 20, 2019
AMC The Son Movie Title
AMC – The Son
February 28, 2017
  • TaskCreative Direction, Design Direction, Concepts, Layout, Marketing, Event Promotion, Advertising, Content Strategies

Melody SH Studio developed the 360° campaigns for the Beauty Mailbox event for My Beauty Diary.

My Beauty Diary was born in 2004. Observing the needs of Asian women for skin care, the company continuously developed innovative products. The products quickly swept the market for skin care products and became the preferred brand in the mask market. My Beauty Diary masks also entered the French market. The products sell to 15 regions and countries since 2017. Sales in the peak season will grow by another 30%, and the total sales volume in the whole year will be 300 million.

The brand vision of My Beauty Diary is to present that everyone has his or her own uniqueness. The brand wants consumers to see and create their own beauty. "The products affirm you, support you, nurture you and accompany you. By spreading your beauty together, glorify to the eye to remember." is the message, which My Beauty Diary's leadership team wants to deliver to the consumers.

My Beauty Diary wanted to promo their products, Black Pearl, Bird's Nest, and Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing masks in 2017. Melody SH Studio came up with the concepts and designs.

We wanted more consumers to share the beauty tips and experiences with their families and friends, so we came up with the Beauty Mailbox event idea. We set up booths at the entrances of local supermarkets. At the booth of each location, we placed an oyster's shell mailbox there. We decorated the booth with a banner, "It is time to show your care and love to your families and friends.", point-of-purchase displays, and heart shaped balloons with angel wings. The customers can stop by and mail their tips to their families and friends. They can also consult the Beauty Advisors of My Beauty Diary for more skin care product info. The Beauty Advisors would offer free trial masks as a reward to the customers when they purchased three boxes of masks.

Digitally, the customers can share their tips with My Beauty Diary's YouTube Channel, Facebook page, Twitter ads, Instagram, WeChat, Weibo, Line, Kakao Talk, and other social media platforms.